Sunday 13 January 2013

a quick puppy throwback

I'm just sorting all my pictures on to Cd's to keep them safe and came across hundreds (and hundreds) of puppy pictures, I'm always upset that I didn't have my big camera when I had the puppies but these still hit the spot in giving me a big smile. I strained myself to not post them all ha ha. 

I miss those fat little bellies & milk feeding them from a baby's bottle (Jess got very sore mastitis and from about 3 weeks couldn't breastfeed as they started bleeding and scabbed over). They literally took over my life for 8 weeks, woke me continuously throughout the night as they were done with sleepy time, they weed and pooped more than I ever thought was possible, they vomited all over each other after there first night on solids, was bathed together and ran havoc in the garden during play time.... and you know what, I can't help but look back on that time with complete fondness!! I will never breed my dog or any dog in the future as I'm so passionate about rescues, but I'm definitely swaying to fostering in need puppies to get this crazy faze again. 


  1. It is crazy, but how can you not feel nostalgic for those wee little beasts? I hope you find some foster puppies to keep you up nights and breath their sweet breath on you.


    1. I know :-) every time i go through pictures I just want them all back again haha
